DNA Interest Group -Forensic Genealogy and Adoption-Betty Jean's Story by Mags Gaulden
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
DNA Interest Group
Event Description
A case study using genealogy and DNA to find the birth family of an adoptee.

Mags Gaulden is a Professional Genealogist specializing in Genetic Genealogy as the founder of Grandma’s Genes in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Growing up in a family full of family historians, Mags was primed to become a Genealogist. After earning her Bachelors Degree from Columbia College, she began to work her own Genealogy as a “hobby”. This 35-year “hobby” eventually led her to a Leader role with WikiTree, where she currently leads: The DNA Innovators Project and The United Empire Loyalist Project. She also leads the Gaulden, McElmoyle, and Templeton Name Studies and the Gaulden, McElmoyle, and Templeton DNA Group Projects. Mags is an international Genetic Genealogy Lecturer, Blogger, and Social Media Maven. She serves as Admin for Facebook groups including the ISOGG Facebook Group. She is a former member of the Canadian Casualty Identification Team. Through her non-profit work with mitoYDNA.org, Mags and other genetic genealogists are providing a free and accessible YDNA and mtDNA database for the Genealogy Community.

Setting: Live Virtual
Contact Person
Celeste Veloski
(phone: 5854411643)
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