Parkminster Presbyterian Church

photo by Larry Lavery 2008
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Address: 2710 Chili Ave Rochester , NY 14624
Phone: (585) 247-2424
Years Active: 1848-present

a.k.a. First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Name Description Download Last Updated
Church Record (1848 - 1885) & Session Minutes (1848 - 1870) Church History
Baptisms (31 Dec 1848 - 4 Nov 1885)
Session Minutes (30 Oct 1848 - 5 Sept 1870)
Church Buildings
Election of Elders (1851 - 1894)
Cornerstone Program (1899)
Dedication (1900)
(Digitized Mch 2008, 128 images, 31.90 MB PDF)
Church Record (1864 - 1905) Marriages (22 Sept 1864 - 4 May 1907)
Pastor Biography
Members (30 June 1864 - 24 June 1905)
Baptisms (2 July 1864 - 23 Sept 1906)
Dismissions (6 July 1864 - 30 June 1905)
Deaths: Congregants (19 June 1864 - 17 Feb 1907)
Deaths: non-Congregants (28 July 1864 - 3 Mch 1907)
(Digitized Mch 2008, 120 images, 32.24 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1870 - 1906) Session Minutes (7 Oct 1870 - 26 Mch 1906 & 12, 29 July 1936)
(Digitized Mch 2008, 142 images. 42.71 MB PDF)
Church Record (1886 - 1944) Communicants (chronological) (1886 - 1944)
Communicants (alpha)
Removals (21 Nov 1888 - 25 Sept 1912)
Deaths (10 Jan 1890 - 2 June 1945)
Baptisms (28 Mch 1886 - 15 Apr 1945)
Marriages (24 June 1908 - 19 May 1945)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 59 images, 12.08 MB PDF)
(Baptisms after 1933 removed for privacy.)
Membership Book (1894) Letter Writing Lesson
Geography of Chili, South America
Geography of New York State
Members: by profession, letter, examination (July 1894 - Feb 1916)
Contributions: 1896, 1897, 1898, 1901
(Digitized Mch 2008, 32 images, 6.93 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1906 - 1934) Session Minutes (20 Apr 1906 - 12 Oct 1934)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 134 images, 30.29 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1908 - 1928) Session Minutes (8 Jan 1908 - 15 Feb 1928)
Program - Installation of Rev. Thompson, 1913
(Digitized Apr 2008, 83 images, 16.19 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1935 - 1949) Church History
Session Minutes (9 Sept 1936 - 5 Dec 1949)
Baptisms (3 Apr 1938 - 30 Sept 1951)
Removals (7 Apr 1937 - 14 July 1951)
Accessions (16 Oct 1936 - 30 Sept 1949)
Election of Elders 1935 - 1949)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 155 images, 25.39 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1950 - 1953) Session Minutes (16 Jan 1950 - 4 Oct 1953)
Baptism (one)- (4 Oct 1953)
Accessions (16 Mch 1952 - Nov 1953)
Removals (19 Aug 1952 - 7 Jan 1954)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 52 images, 8.01 MB PDF)
Church Register (1953 - 1967) & Session Minutes (1953 - 1957) Members (alpha)
Registers of Clerks, Elders, Deacons, Trustees, Ministers
Baptisms (11 Apr 1954 - 2 July 1967)
Marriages (11 Apr 1953 - 5 Aug 1967)
Deaths (2 Apr 1954 - 16 Aug 1967)
Session Minutes (19 July 1954 - 4 Mar 1957)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 121 images, 21.01 MB PDF)
(Baptisms after 1933 and marriages & deaths after 1958 removed for privacy.)
Congregational Meetings (1955 - 1990) Meeting Minutes (12 Jan 1955 - 21 Jan 1990)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 148 images, 32.59 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1957 - 1966) Session Minutes (1 Apr 1957 - 13 June 1966)
Recommendation Letter (19 Nov 1951)
(Digitized May 2008, 151 images, 30.52 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1966 - 1974) Session Minutes (9 Sept 1966 - 11 Nov 1974)
(Digitized Apr 2008, 201 images, 28.23 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1974 - 1979) Session Minutes (25 Nov 1974 - 12 Nov 1979)
(Digitized May 2008, 203 images, 25.58 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1979 - 1987) Session Minutes {19 Nov 1979 - 6 Jan 1987 (pg.1)}
(Digitized Apr 2008, 194 images, 48.53 MB PDF)
Silver Anniversary (1954 - 1979) Published Booklet: 1954 - 1974
(Digitized Apr 2008, 44 images, 6.80 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1987 - 1994) Session Minutes [6 Jan 1987 (pg. 2-4) - 18 Oct 1994]
(Digitized Apr 2008, 212 images, 47.82 MB PDF)
Session Minutes (1994 - 2005) Session Minutes (27 Oct 1994 - 28 June 2005)
(Digitized May 2008, 207 images, 35.79 MB PDF)
One Hundred Years of Faith (1899 - 1999) Published Booklet: Faith Stories
(Digitized April 2008, 75 images, 16.17 MB PDF)
Millennium Mortgage Reduction Campaign (1999) Published Booklet - including historical timeline 1899 - 1999
(Digitized Apr 2008, 5 images, 807 kB PDF)
ParkminPres.jpg download/view3/15/2022
Third Presbyterian Parish Record 1956-1965 Pastors, Elders, Members, Trustees, Communicants, Suspended, Baptisms, Deaths
This Parish Record has been privitized.